Penguins and Other Wildlife

Cute guy

Humpback in the Lemaire Channel
All Photographs are the copyright of

Two albatross circle the Fram
Seal at Grytviken
Oblivious to the invader
A humpback whale dips beneath the waves
A giant humpback whale dips beneath the waves
Elephant seal. This guy is huge. And ugly!
King Penguin colony
These cute guys were originally rejected for inclusion in the Gallery on the grounds that they were too dirty. They are now included at the insistence of the photographer!!
Skuas attack in numbers
Baby fur seals at Fortuna Harbour
The Black Brow Albatrosss from the deck of the Fram
The Wandering Albatross - the largest flying animal in the world - from the deck of the Fram
Penguins in a flap!

Attack from the air - A skua raiding the colony for eggs and chicks
Penguin at Petermaan Island, Antarctica
Colony of King Penguins at Fortuna Bay
King Penguins at Fortuna Bay, Sth Georgia
King Penguin struts its stuff in Grytviken
Penguin at Neko
Penguins at Half Moon

Fearless Four heading south?

7 replies on “Penguins and Other Wildlife”

Hi Mary,

Looks like you are having a whale of a time! Great to see the photos coming through now- suppose it snow surprise that your Internet kept freezing before!

Love the penguins – any chance you could bring one home!!?

Enjoy the rest of the trip – we are following every day and are very jealous!!

Take care

Aisling and Barry

Ps hope you are getting on ok with the camera – manual mode all the way!!!

Hi ,

Great to hear from you. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves but I haven’t mastered managing that long lens with manual focus. Best effort was the skuas at the King Penguin colony.

I have loads of pictures of sea birds out of sight!

Great talk on astro photography this evening by a staff member from BAS base on South Georgia. She is taking a lift to Falklands with us. Amazing pictures taken with basic enough kit. Suppose it helps being 800 miles from city lights.

Hi Ger,
Great photos of Happy Feet and his pals! Can’t imagine them hanging on your living room wall anytime soon though. How is all the rocking and rolling on the ship? Do you still know which way is up? Enjoy the rest of your great adventure. I’m enjoying living vicariously through your blog.
Anne O’H

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