
Caption Competition

Photos are loading again to the website so we have decided to have a little caption competition for the followers of our Blog. Entries should be submitted by way of comment on this Post. They will of course be moderated and we may or may not publish a selection of the best offerings.

Also, depending on the quality of the entries, we may or may not offer a prize to the winner. It will be something worth owning, I can assure you!

The picture we have chosen is the one below of two King penguins deep in conversation not realising they can be overheard! Good luck everyone.

14 replies on “Caption Competition”

There goes another lot..will you miss them?
Yeah …but won’t it be nice to have the place back to ourselves for a while… me neck is killing me from posing for all those photos!

“Hey has anyone got a Difene; Cyril has twisted his neck”. ” I knew no good would come of performing tricks for those bloody tourists off the Fram”

“No, I think you need to place your feet a bit wider if you’re going to do an Elvis impression”

Penguin on the left: ‘Why won’t they take lots of nice pictures of us Penny’
Penguin on the right: ‘Cos we’ve egg on our faces and mud on our boots Gwyn’

(not good at captions me, just trying to enter into the spirit)

“So Pa I’m not an Emperor Penguin!”. “For the umpteenth time Son, you are a K – I – N – G Penguin! Got it, a King Penguin. So get over it and stop moping”

“Can you smell that”. “Are you kidding the sound of it nearly knocked my head off”

“Now let me see Sir. Yes , I would say definitly a 42 medium in a Tuxedo”

“Yeh! our jackets are nice but I would really like one of those blue ones!”

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